We are happy to announce that the Welcome Event for the new POMOR group (2021-2023) will take place on October 1, 2021 at 11:00 Moscow time in a blended format:
- In person at the Institute of Earth Sciences, 33-35, 10ya liniya V.O., room 56, Phoenix
- Online via Ms Teams. The invitation will be sent separately via e-mail.
You will meet:
- Director of the Institute of Earth Sciences
- Program PIs from the Russian and German side
- Module supervisors
- Program secretary
We will be very glad to meet you and to learn about your background and why you decided to study Polar and Marine Sciences.
Program coordinator will meet you after October 8, 2021 in the framework of the POMOR Orientation Days 2021. The program of the POMOR Orientation Days 2021 will be announced later.
Your courses start on October 4, 2021. You can check the last updated version here.
Draft sheet (for internal use only) / 15.09.2021