Learning Agreement is a document where all courses you want to visit at the host university during your semester abroad and all credit points you earn for these courses are listed. This document has to be signed by the coordinator of your study program at the host university and by the mobility coordinator at the SPbU.
Please make sure that the courses you choose are listed in the POMOR Module Handbook. If you want to choose courses, which are not listed in the POMOR Module Handbook, please consult with the POMOR team.
The courses and credit points listed in your LA have to correspond with the Transcript of Records you receive from your host university after the examinations.
Please find the LA form here
You have to earn 30 CP during your semester abroad.
Deadline for submission of the signed LA to the mobility coordinator at the SPbU is December 7, 2020
Your mobility coordinator at the SPbU in 2020 is:
Mrs Tatyana Yakovleva
Please do not forget to send your LA in CC to pomor(at)spbu.ru and nkakhro(at)geomar.de