Master thesis

Master thesis 2021

During the fourth term students are writing their master thesis supervised by two advisors – one from a Russian partner university or institute and one from a German partner university or institute.

Every student is working during the fourth term on his/her master thesis. We meet every 5-5 weeks in order to discuss the students’ progress with their master theses. Please see the meeting schedule 2021 below.

The last MT meeting is usually the so called pre-defence. It's a dress rehearsal before the defence. That means that this meeting is organized like the defence, only without the examination commitee. The students will have to prepare a 10 minutes talk like for the defence and invited supervisors will ask questions.

The MT defence usually takes place at Saint Petersburg State University. In 2021, the MT defence will be carried out in a blended format (in person and online).

MT Topics (Status: August 04, 2021)


  1. Cheung, Wai Yin
  2. Ebrahimnezhad Darzi, Saeed 
  3. Frolova, Anastasiia
  4. Gavrilova, Anastasia
  5. Kazachkova, Yuliya
  6. Krainova, Liubov
  7. Krikunova, Alexandra
  8. Kudryakova, Julia
  9. Ovchinnikova, Anastasiia
  10. Pashovkina, Anastasiia
  11. Rodés i Llorens, Nil
  12. Saikovich, Kseniia
  13. Sakovich, Alena 
  14. Sashanova, Arina
  15. Tebenkova, Natalia 
  16. Tiburcio, Alejandro
  17. Tilvaldyeva, Leili Shehretovna
  18. Tselykh, Polina
  19. Zinchenko, Vadim
  20. Zotova, Ekaterina

Master thesis regulations for POMOR at Saint Petersburg State University (in Russian)

You can download the complete MT leaflet 2021 here

⇒ Format & Structure Requirements

⇒ Deadlines

  • February 22, 2021

Submission of MT topics, supervisors and reviewers to SPbU

How to proceed:

Please send to POMOR Secretariat the following information:

    • Title of your MT in English / Translation of the title into Russian
    • Name of your supervisor from the Russian side, her/his affiliation (full address) and contacs (e-mail)
    • Name of your supervisor from the German side, her/his affiliation (full address) and contacs (e-mail)
    • Name of your potential reviewer
  • Start of the 4th term (MT) - April 1, 2021
  • MT meeting #1May 27, 2021 10:00 - 11:30 Moscow time, online

  • MT meeting #2June 23, 2021 (group 1) und June 24, 2021 (group 2), 10:00 - 11:30 Moscow time, online. Agenda

  • MT meeting #3July 22, 2021 (group 1) and July 23, 2021 (group 2), 15:00 - 16:30 Moscow time, online or hybrid. Agenda

  • Colloquium (Pre-Defence)August 23, 2021 (group 1) and August 24, 2021 (group 2), 15:00 Moscow time, online or hybrid. Agenda

  • Submission of the master thesesSeptember 3, 2021

  • Upload of the master theses to BlackboardSeptember 13, 2021

  • End of studiesSeptember 30, 2021

  • POMOR Master AwardOctober 25-26, 2021


(The exact date will be announced later)